Art enhances creativity in children allowing them to learn, to explore and to discover new ‘frontiers’ of thinking and doing things differently!
Since 1999, Global Art Creative Learning Methodology have been nurturing and developing children’s creativity throughout the world.
Through our art enrichment programs in our inspired learning setting and environment, learners will improve and reinforce their discipline of learning, creative expression and artistic abilities, optimising their learning experience and inner potential in life.
Franchising Opportunity
If you truly believe the Power of Creativity, you have come to the right place!
globalart program is designed to enhance the learning disciplines and the creativity of learners, by making our lessons systematic, enjoyable and fun, learners will be able foster their creative talents, enhance their problem solving skills and develop a ‘Higher Order Thinking’.
The program is currently implemented in 15 countries with 600 centres and a registration of 1,000,000 learners throughout the world
globalart is committed to your success, You do not need to be an artist or to have a ‘business experience’ in order to start a globalart franchise; our innovative franchising scheme offers you everything you need to know and apply in operating a globalart centre.
With our innovative, systematic and professional approach to our franchisees and programs, globalart has a proven track record of growth over the last 16 years.
Come and join us soon in this exciting journey.
Think globalart, Think Creative…
Key Facts
Tel: 1900 1503
Initial Capital Investment: Available Upon Request
Franchising Fees: Available Upon Request
Royalties: Available Upon Request
Marketing/A&P Fees: Available Upon Request